
Freezer cleaning - games for girls

When you need to clean up, we need to allocate a lot of time because we take much to clean the house or dirty everywhere we see. Today, a girl must do clean the kitchen but can handle only so must help to ease your work. In this game you have to give a helping hand to this girl, you do what you say it or to give it and you some tips to finish faster. As you can see the kitchen is very dirty, so we have to move fast.

1) First you have to clean the fridge, spoiled or expired food to throw it and remove all traces of dirt from the refrigerator.

2) then you have to wash down and clean furniture, because it is very dirty.

3) after I finished did this have to do in drawers and cupboards clean because the plates are arranged as they should.

We should do a few things to finish, so you have to help the girl to decorate the kitchen. To change the clock, to buy another fridge, and renew all the furniture in the kitchen. This is not easy, so we'll ask you to help her and give her some ideas. Thank you for choosing to help us in this game, even you were very helpful.

Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose and other cleaning games, washing games and games for girls to put your skills to the test.

Have fun!

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